
Visit from the Innovatie Cluster Drachten

Visit from the Innovatie Cluster Drachten We had the honor of welcoming a delegation from the Innovatiecluster Drachten at the 23rd of February 2023! After the welcome speech by university president Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kreutz, the visitors from various Dutch companies got an insight into the newly set up Technikum of the department of electrical […]

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Heb@AR featured by DINItus Podcast

On February 20th Prof. Dr. Thies Pfeiffer was interviewed by Volker Mattick from the Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation e.V. (dini) in their DINItus Podcast format. In the interview, Prof. Pfeiffer talks about the project Heb@AR, in which the group created an augmented reality training application for smartphones for midwifes. He reports on the challenges of […]

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Our Mixality Heb@AR App wins two national VR/AR Awards

Our Mixality team, surrounding Prof. Dr. Thies Pfeiffer and Jonas Blattgerste, is proud to announce that our “Heb@AR” app has been recognized at the nextReality.Contest in Hamburg, where it won the “Interactive Education” Award. The app aims to support the training of academic midwives through the use of practical Augmented Reality (AR) trainings. It was […]

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Fourteen participants have completed “ViRDiPA” training

The final event of the “ViRDiPA” training took place on September 8th and 9th, 2022. The two major topics were: the presentation of the work results (self created learning tasks including 360° Video VR scenarios) and the development of ideas for the future use of virtual reality in educational institutions. After the presentation of each […]

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Project CHARMING has arrived to its final stop!

The EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Project CHARMING had its final meeting. Nine members joined physically at KU Leuven, Belgium and 16 members joined remotely. The Work Package (WP) leaders presented the summary of the results of their ESRs (PhD researchers), also including the status of each ESR’s milestone, PhD and publications. From Mixality, Prof. Thies Pfeiffer […]

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Publication of the article in the journal “Medienpädagogik” about the pros and cons of learning in groups using VR- or video software

The use of full-immersive VR learning environments promotes the individual skills andprior knowledge of students. However, more specific effects on learning and concepts forintegration are not sufficiently studied yet. As part of a BMBF-funded research project, this article pursues the following question: What are the design and didactical as wellas communicative-interactive differences between full-immersive virtual […]

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Paper on the Analysis of Information Search Behaviour using Eyetracking in Physical and Virtual Reality as Runners-up for the Best Paper Award 2020 in Information Systems Research (ISR)

Last week we received congratulations from Information Systems Research that our paper Eye-Tracking-Based Classification of Information Search Behavior Using Machine Learning: Evidence from Experiments in Physical Shops and Virtual Reality Shopping Environments has been selected as one of the two runners-up for the Best Paper Award 2020. The full list of awardees can be seen […]

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