
Visit from the Innovatie Cluster Drachten

Visit from the Innovatie Cluster Drachten We had the honor of welcoming a delegation from the Innovatiecluster Drachten at the 23rd of February 2023! After the welcome speech by university president Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kreutz, the visitors from various Dutch companies got an insight into the newly set up Technikum of the department of electrical […]

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Heb@AR featured by DINItus Podcast

On February 20th Prof. Dr. Thies Pfeiffer was interviewed by Volker Mattick from the Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation e.V. (dini) in their DINItus Podcast format. In the interview, Prof. Pfeiffer talks about the project Heb@AR, in which the group created an augmented reality training application for smartphones for midwifes. He reports on the challenges of […]

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Eye Movements in VR training at the AHFE’21 virtual conference

Analyzing eye movements allows revealing insights into cognitive activities taking place in someone’s mind. In training contexts, this information can be used to draw conclusions about the learner’s cognitive load or expertise regarding the current learning task. In our talk “Eye Movements in VR Training: Expertise Measurement and it’s Meaning for Adaptive Chess Training” we […]

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Virtual Reality in Surgery

On Saturday March 20th, 2021, the Johannes Wesling Klinikum Minden is inviting to a conference day on “Virtual Reality in Surgery – Theory and Practice”. Professor Dr. Thies Pfeiffer was invited to present the current reseach projects on the implementation of educational trainings for nurses and medical doctors using virtual and augmented reality. The conference […]

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