Future Skills.Applied
How can digital teaching be improved? How can the ability to study, study success and, ultimately, employability be improved by a sustainable implementation of digital tools?
These are just some questions that are driving the project Future Skills.Applied in the context of education at Universities of Applied Sciences in Lower Saxony, Germany.
These are just some questions that are driving the project Future Skills.Applied in the context of education at Universities of Applied Sciences in Lower Saxony, Germany.
Networking of Teaching and Learning Locations
One supporting column of the project is focused to the digitalization of STEM practica that are typically held in dedicated laboratories. In particular during the COVID-19 pandemic, physical presence in the laboratories was not possible, which emphasized the need for alternatives to the training in situ. The different partners in subproject 3: Networking of Teaching and Learning Locations develop and evaluate alternative, complementory approaches to tackle this challenge.

Immersive Digital Practica
The Mixality Lab at the Applied University Emden/Leer is working in
subproject 3 on the conceptualization and implementation of Immersive Digital Practica.
Future Skills.Applied Consortium
The consortium of the Future Skills.Applied project comprises the six Universities of Applied Sciences of Lower Saxony in Germany:
- University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück
- Ostfalia
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hannover
- Jade Hochschule
Funded by
IDP Partners
In the subproject Immersive Digital Practica, the team from the Mixality Lab is working together with the department of natural sciences/chemistry:
- Prof. Dr. Martin Sohn
- Isabelle Dittmar
- Matthias Luczak
Team Mixality Lab

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thies Pfeiffer
Email: thies.pfeiffer@hs-emden-leer.de

Prof. Dr. Maria Rauschenberger
Email: maria.rauschenberger@hs-emden-leer.de

Leonard Meyer, M.Sc.
Email: leonard.meyer@hs-emden-leer.de

Lars Pastoor, B.Eng.
Email: lars.pastoor@hs-emden-leer.de

Kristina Nagel (formerly Kölln), M.Sc.
Email: kristina.koelln@hs-emden-leer.de